The current reality for streets around PS110
Monitor and Driggs are two illegal cut through routes, inviting illegal truck traffic throughout the day, and encouraging drivers to speed through this area.
During drop-off and pick-up: double parked cars, sidewalks overflowing with families and children, angry and distracted drivers, emergency vehicles stuck in traffic.
In May 2023 one of our neighbors was hit (and later died from his injuries) by another neighbor. In front of the school on a day while students and staff were still in the building.
Existing conditions
Through years of first hand experiences, anecdotes, and surveys we have developed a clear and thorough picture of our streets’ inadequacies - often punctuated by near misses, minor accidents, severe property damage,
and even fatalities.
Again and again, neighbors are asking for interventions to slow speeding drivers and to increase safety for pedestrians and people on bikes.
Safe Streets Survey, 2023
Neighbors repeatedly request
Slowing traffic
Improving pedestrian safety
Creating complete streets that give all users safe access
Neighbors place special emphasis on
Prioritizing children’s safety
Eliminating illegal truck traffic
Safer passage under the BQE
Safer eastbound bike routes